Tuesday, January 14, 2014

a brewskie at the Brick -

Living in a world where Star Trek meets Northern Exposure. The Trek cast are in uniforms and answering to the commander; the Northern Exposure cast dances with cranes and weaves philosophies under very tall conifers and northern lights. The Northern Exposure folks are cool with the Treks.

'That's cool,' they say, without a whole lot of judgment.

'But what's in the directive? Where are you heading? What is your mission?' the Treks ask.

'Directive?' Northern Exposure-ites ask.

(Except for Maurice, who yells out - 'I have a directive! Let me show you the blueprints.')

Everybody sighs. Commanders scratch their heads.

The Northern Exposure cast tours the Enterprise or the Voyager space ship and then everybody beams down to The Brick for a brewskie and a few tunes on the juke box. A moose walks up and peers in through a window near the bar.

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