Saturday, March 28, 2015

sapling redbud 
your slender knobby limbs
robed in ruffled flowers
the color of raspberry wine

shiny buds of leaves
stretching, unfolding,

like little green socks
at the tips of your skinny branches -
they yawn and look out -
where are we?

redbud sapling - only yay high -
such a funny tender sight

like a little kid
who napped in the laundry basket


  1. Made me go get a Ginsberg book to read. Thanks

  2. No. 90% of what he has is so political and sexually and drug oriented, but that other 10% is so evocative. 3 nights of reading 2 or 3 poems before falling a sleep hasn't hit the 1 in 10. Nobody said it was evenly distributed.

  3. Long ago, I found 'Howl' intriguing, but when I've tried to find it again, it seems quite different from what I first read -

  4. Heh. The mind plays funny tricks.
    You are trying to recover a past that is like water down the stream. The stream now just doesn't seem to imply that then. You believe the past and question the present.

    I am trying to suppress the too well remembered past that that is now seeming horribly skewed by confirmation bias. I am inclined to believe that stream I see now as truth and my perseption then as faulty.

    Strange, no?

    1. interesting, yes.
      There's a saying that you can't step into the same river twice -
