Friday, May 23, 2014

life in the waves

Yesterday, a sketch I drew earned the title 'life in the waves'. There were waves, and there were unidentifiable sea creatures riding within the breaking surface of the waves. I started to think about that phrase 'life in the waves' and wonder if oceanographers have examined the surface motions of the oceans. The creatures that came to my mind are the tiny animals that give off phosphorescent light when the waters splash or break. Watching porpoises feed at night, sometimes you can see the waters light up every time their bodies break through the surface and disturb the swaths of these creatures. Sometimes, you can see phosphorescence in the curl of waves as they break, that glittery colorful light. It's been a long time since I've been to a seashore, but those memories carry a sense of the grandeur, the deep romance of nights at the sea.

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