Friday, March 14, 2014

happy pi day

News for Today
14 March 2014

Today was 'pi day', but there was no 'pie' hence the masses perhaps were a bit grumpy. It's called 'pi day' because the date is 3.14 which is the value of pi without a lot of frills. (Here is pi with one hundred bits of detail: 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679... . Thank you, Wiki.) Pi is a constant value that helps yield the area and the circumference of any circle. Think 'pi r squared' but remember pie are round.


  1. I didn't see you post until just now. I apologize for not inviting you (again) to the Boas' annual Pi Day party. It was, as usual, delightful. I'm putting it on my todo list for a year from now to offer you the invite.

    Have you tried to immerse yourself in a SXSW crowd somewhere? Talk about time for something entirely different!

  2. Pi Day greetings to you and Carol,too - actually, this could be called Pi Month (3-14) - in which case we are not late at all!

    I ran into a SXSW crowd, but not an event!
