Monday, April 6, 2015

Jingles were big in the 1950s and 1960s. Advertisements via radio and television were relatively new, and it became popular to have a few notes of melody and/or a few words that rhymed to help customers remember the product or service advertised.

Here are a few examples:

'Double your pleasure
Double your fun
Doublemint Doublemint
Doublemint gum'

'Don't cook tonight
Call Chicken Delight!'

'See the USA
in your Chevrolet -
America's inviting you to call...'

'Winston tastes good
like a cigarette should...'

'Mmm, mmm good
Mmm, mmm good
that's what Campbell soups are

mmm, mmm good'

'Sugar Pops are tops!'

'Little girls
have pretty curls
but I like Oreos...'

When traveling on the road, one might occasionally come across the amusing Burma Shave ads. A series of signs would be placed at brief, equal intervals along the rural road, each with one line of an entertaining jingle.

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