Monday, July 14, 2014

Some people purchase tracts of land with the intention of developing it for various uses that would bring in income. Depending on zoning ordinances, they might subdivide into lots for houses, or create an office building or parking garage, a strip center of shops and small businesses, or lease to a big box store that would build a large cookie-cutter store and spacious lot. These are traditionally called improvements to the land.

The job of land developer would be a challenge for me. Before I started building, or even planning, I'd have to spend some time on the land. I'd want to know who already lives there - squirrels, deer, rabbits, what kinds of birds. Who are the trees, and who do they shelter? Where does everybody find their food and water? What do the current occupants need to survive?

How can humans fit in this space without forcing the other occupants out?

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